04994 250290, 04994 250555
Accredited by NBA
February 2024


The Arts Festival ‘Dijili’2023-24 of the college was conducted from 19.2.24 to 23.2.24. The ‘OFF’ stage events were conducted from 19.2.24 to 21.2.24 and ‘ON’ stage events on 22nd and 23rd February 2024. All the programs were conducted following the rules and regulations of DTE and KTU. The wholehearted participation of students was seen in...
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Inauguration : Dilip K Kainikkara IAS, Asst. Collector, Kasaragod 29 February, 2024 2:00 PM at Amphitheatre
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By Mr. Krishna Kumar Radhakrihnan, Third Engineer, Merchant Navy (Alumnus MED 2008-2012 Batch) 29 February, 2024 at College Amphitheater Head of the department ME, Dr. Manojkumar C V, Presenting a token of appreciation to Mr. Krishnakumar Radhakrishnan, Third Engineer, Merchant Navy (ME 2008-12 Batch)  for delivering an expert talk on ” Navigating the waves: Responsibilities...
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International Conference on Recent Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICORETech) is a prestigious event organized by the LBS College of Engineering, Kasaragod whose second edition is scheduled in February 08-09, 2024. The conference aims at providing a common platform to researchers,  industry personnel, academicians, students and participating professionals to interact and discuss about the advances in...
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