04994 250290, 04994 250555

Electronics & Communication Engineering




To evolve as a renowned centre in pursuit of professional education and research in the domain of Electronics and Communication Engineering.


  • Establish a quality teaching and learning environment to impart knowledge and skills in Electronics and Communication engineering.
  • Educate with the state of the art technologies to groom industry-ready professionals.
  • Inculcate the consciousness of ethical and human values and to ignite creativity for solving societal and environmental problems through research and entrepreneurship.

About the Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in 1993 with a visionary mission to cultivate exceptional professionals equipped with strong ethical values, poised to confront the evolving challenges of the future, and dedicated to contributing to societal advancement. Our commitment to excellence led to the inception of the B.Tech programme in Electronics and Communication Engineering, laying the foundation for our journey towards academic and technological prowess.

At the helm of the Department  is Dr. Mary Reena K.E., guiding 21 dedicated faculty members, comprising both teaching and non-teaching faculty, each specializing in diverse fields such as VLSI, Signal Processing, Communications, and Embedded Systems. Our faculty roster boasts seven PhD holders, with many others actively pursuing doctoral studies, ensuring a culture of continuous learning and research excellence within the department.

To facilitate hands-on learning and practical experimentation, we maintain eight state-of-the-art laboratories, including facilities for Electronics Workshop, Electronic/Integrated Circuits, Digital Electronics, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Communications, as well as dedicated spaces for projects and research endeavors. In our pursuit of academic and industry collaboration, we have established strategic partnerships with esteemed institutions such as the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Technopark, Trivandrum and  Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation (KELTRON). Through these alliances, we aim to enhance the knowledge and skill set of our students, making them industry-ready and adaptable to the dynamic demands of the professional landscape. Our department’s achievements include securing the prestigious “LoRa in a Box” project from the International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS), Trivandrum, demonstrating our commitment to innovative solutions addressing contemporary challenges.

Moreover, our faculty members have been recipients of funded projects from organizations including APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (APJA KTU), Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) and CeDS, and Faculty Development Programmes from esteemed bodies like AICTE and APJA KTU, further augmenting our research capabilities and academic standing. Recognizing the importance of holistic development, we actively engage our students in additional skill development programmes, including courses in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, Google Cloud, and Soft Skills Training. Through initiatives such as the Additional Skill Development Programme (ASAP), we empower our students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary for success in the competitive global arena. Our students have won awards for best student projects twice from KSCSTE.

Beyond academics, we take pride in nurturing a vibrant student community, with active participation in both academic and extracurricular activities. The Department Association serves as a platform for coordinating various events and programmes, fostering the holistic development of our students and preparing them for inter-collegiate and university-level competitions. Our esteemed alumni network serves as a testament to the department’s commitment to producing exceptional professionals, with graduates excelling in diverse fields worldwide. They continue to inspire current students and contribute significantly to the department’s legacy of excellence.

In essence, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering remains steadfast in its commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and the holistic development of its students, shaping them into future leaders and catalysts for positive change in society

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The UG program Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering is affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala. The 2019 Regulations provide the students an opportunity to take an additional Minor Degree in any other Engineering Programme offered in the College (Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical or Civil). In addition, students can take Honours Degree in Electronics And Communication Engineering, by undergoing additional courses as stipulated by the Regulations.


Our Graduates will:

  • Use their scientific and engineering knowledge to analyze, design, develop, and implement electronics, information, and communication systems.
  • Keep a lifelong learning attitude to meet the evolving demands of industry, to excel as academicians, to become successful entrepreneurs, or to be dedicated researchers, holding professional ethics and human values.
  • Work as members/mentors/leaders in a team to provide solutions to the real-life problems and attain progress in their fields through sustained practices.


Our Graduates will be able to:

  • PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8.Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change


Our Graduates will be able to:

  • Build a strong foundation in analog and digital circuits, communication engineering, signal processing and VLSI to have proficiency in higher studies and for development of technological solutions to cater to the needs of society.
  • Acquire expertise and competence in hardware as well as in software tools to carry out research and fulfill industrial demands.


  • Dr. Dhanaraj Associate Professor, NIT Calicut
  • Dr. Roy Thankachan, Deputy Project  director – QA Avionics- Gaganyaan,   Section Head, Quality Section – Vehicle Integration Scientist/ engineer –SG QDAS/QRAG/SR, VSSC, ISRO, Trivandrum
  • Sri.Sanu Krishnan, Cofounder,Armino Technologies Pvt. Ltd
  • Sri. Chandra Patali, (F/O) Anwitha Chandran , 2022 admission
  • Dr. Mary Reena K. E., HoD & Professor,ECED, LBSCEK
  • Dr. Sheeba K., Professor, ECED,LBSCEK
  • Prof. Santo  Mathew, Associate Professor ECED, LBSCEK


  • Dr. Mary Reena K. E., HoD & Professor
  • Dr. Sheeba K., Professor
  • Dr. Pramod P., Associate Professor
  • Prof. Santo  Mathew, Associate Professor


Dr. Mary Reena K.E


 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Mobile: 9745306534





Sl No Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID
1 Dr. Mary Reena K. E. Professor & HOD 9745306534
2 Dr. Sheeba K Professor 9447551441
3 Prof. Santo Mathew Associate Professor 9447449928
4 Dr. Pramod P Associate Professor 9447855635
5 Dr. Arathi T Associate Professor 9495365447
6 Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew Assistant Professor 9946449057
7 Dr. Baiju P.S. Assistant Professor 9895016065
8 Prof. Aswathy Devi T Assistant Professor 9496369610
9 Dr. Anitha K Assistant Professor 8089616018
10 Prof. Zainaba Abdulrahiman Assistant Professor 9037361805
11 Prof. Ayshath Afra T P Assistant Professor 8714343694



Sl No Name Designation Mobile No. Email
1 Mr. Santhosh Kumar C P
(On work arrangement at LBS Model Degree College,Parappanangadi)
Workshop Instructor 9249902744
2 Mr. Joby Paulose TI Gr. II 9447396389
3 Mr. Anoop Raheem A N TI Gr. II 9747921217
4 Mrs. Saritha M V Trade Technician 9495096460
5 Mr. Pradeep M Trade Technician 9495574670
6 Mr.Shibin K M Trade Technician 9946534543
7 Mr. Gregory P B Tradesman 9847292198




Dr. Mary Reena K. E.

Dr. Sheeba K

Prof. Santo Mathew
Associate Professor

Dr. Pramod P
Associate Professor

Dr. Arathi T
Associate Professor

Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew
Assistant Professor

Dr. Baiju P.S.
Assistant Professor

Prof. Aswathy Devi T
Assistant Professor

Dr. Anitha
Assistant Professor

Prof. Zainaba Abdulrahiman
Assistant Professor

Prof. Zainaba Abdulrahiman
Assistant Professor

Mr. Santhosh Kumar C P
Workshop Instructor

Mr. Joby Paulose

Mr. Anoop Raheem

 Mrs. Saritha M V

Mr. Pradeep M

Mr.Shibin K.M.

Mr. Gregory P.B.


Group Tutors

Each year admitted students to the department is looked after by a team of faculties who are responsible for and take care of individual students.


Admission Year Tutor
2024 Dr Arathi T- +91 9495365447, Prof. Santo Mathew- +91 9447449928
2023 Dr. Baiju P. S.- 9895016065, Prof. Zainaba Abdul Rahiman  +91 9037361805
2022 Mr. Rensi Sam Mathew +91 9946449057, Dr. Sheeba K  +91 9447551441
2021 Dr. Pramod P.-9447855635, Dr. Anitha- +91 8089616018



Our students have received prestigious awards and accolades for their innovative projects and research contributions, highlighting their commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making impactful contributions in the field of Electronics and Communication.

  • Abhijith P., Anusree P., Jishnu E.P. and Mani Kuruvilla, under the guidance of Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew, won the Platinum Prize (First prize) in the Contest Category of TECHFEST 2024 organised by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, IIT Palakkad and NSS College of Engineering Palakkad, on 2nd and 3rd March 2024 for their project Realtime conversion of Sign Language to Text and Speech.

  • A team of students, SREENIVAS PAI K, VISHNU P, SREENATH E, SUKANYA K.K and RANJANA JANARDHANAN 2019-’23 ECE visited various colleges in Kasaragod for raising awareness of YIP 2023 programme.

  • 2019-23 ECE students K.K. Sukanya,  Mohammed Junaid T. M., Akhila T. K., Remyasree P. presented a paper ‘ Voice to Dactylology’  in the  International Conference on Comprehensive Education for Children with Special Needs organised by DIFFERENT ART CENTRE, Kinfra Park, Thiruvananthapuram in association with ADELPHI UNIVERSITY, New York, USA and supported by Department of Empowerment of persons with disabilities Govt of India and Social Justice Department Govt of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram on 6th July 2023.

  • ABNA VIJAY, ANUSREE P, SOUMYA M and CHAITHRA P, 2017-‘21 ECE, under the guidance of Prof. RENSI SAM MATHEW, won the Bronze Prize for the TECHFEST 2021 organised by KSCSTE

  • KEERTHANA K. V of 2017-‘21 batch ECE secured admission for MBA in IIM Rohtak through CAT Score.

  • Devaraj Manirajanof s8 ECE has qualified in 2024 GATE Examination

Paper Presentatons

Sl.No Authors Title of Paper/Publication Name and Nature (National/International) of Journal / Conference
1 K.K. Sukanya, Mohammed Junaid T. M., Akhila T. K., Remyasree P., Rensi Sam Mathew Voice to Dactylology International Conference on Comprehensive Education for Children with Special Needs
2 Rensi Sam Mathew, Sukanya K. K., Mohammed Junaid T. M., Akhila T. K., Remyasree P. SignoSpeak:English Speech to Sign Language Translator International Conference on Advances in Security and Computing 2023
3 Kavya N.,Abhiram K.,SarathrajV., Rensi Sam Mathew Speech Recognition using Deep Learning International Conference on Advances in Security and Computing 2023
4 Jafsha Irshad, Khadeeja Anzila K.,Sravan K.Shibu, Dr. Pramod P. Trash Collecting Boat International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
5 Jishnu E. P., Mani Kuruvilla, Abhijith P., Anusree M., Rensi Sam Mathew Continuous Sign Language Translation System Using Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Hidden Markov Model International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
6 Devaraj Manirajan, Arya S. Nair,Celiya Theres, Dr. Mary Reena K.E. Deep Learning Based Android App For Theyyam Recognition International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
7 Hrishikesh P., Abdul Unaiz A.M., Abdul UbaizA.M.,Sreehari B, Dr. Arathi T. Artificial Intelligence based animal intrusion detction and repellant system with Android app International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
8 Abhijith P., Anagha B. Nair, Sahana Santhosh, Navya C., Nishanth Augstine Fexible glove for Parkinson’s hand tremor suppression International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
9 Abinav Binu I., Sneha S. Kumar, Sneha A., Rinav Narayan, Ms. Aswathy Devi T. Automated ration distribution system International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
10 Dhasarath Narayanan P., Mahima Pankajakshan, Shyna C., Sredha Babu, Dr. Baiju P.S. Borewell Surveillance and rescuing rover International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
11 Muhammed Rishan, Fathima Afrin, Maria Shabnam, Sameera K.K., Prof. Santo Mathew Deepguard :AI-driven disease management for cashew crop International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024
12 Zainabath Fahiza, AyshathShamla
Karishma, Dr. Mary Reena K.E.
IoT based smart medication assistance device International Conference in Recent Trends in Technology ICORETech2024

Individual Student Achievements

  • NITISH NAYAK 2022-‘26 ECE with Mr. JACOB GEORGE (2021-25 CSE) won the special mention Prize at the Rural Innovators Meet 2023 held at Kerala Forest Research Institute , Thrissur organized by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment.
  • JISHNU E. P, Mr. ABHIJITH P., Mr MANI KURUVILLA and Ms.ANUSREE , all 2020-’24 ECE, reached up to the Semi Final level in The Inventors Challenge – 2023 organized by AICTE, ARM Education and ST Microelectronics.
  • SREEHARI won the Men’s Individual Champion in the Annual Sports Meet held on 16thand 17th of February 2024.

  • NIMITHA B of 2022-’26 batch, JYOTSNA of 2021-’25 batch, ANANTHA LEKSHMI of 2021-‘25 batch ECE were members of the KTU F-zone Hand ball winning team in 2023-’24.
  • ANJAL BABU 2021-’25 ECE was a member of the KTU F-zone men’s Hand ball winning team in 2023-’24.
  • SOUPARNIKA DINESH 2022-’26 ECE, was a member of the KTU F- zone women’s Kho-Kho winning team in 2023- ‘24
  • ABHISHEK CHANDRAN 2023- ‘27 ECE) is the KTU F-zone men’s Kabaddi winner in 2023-’24.
  • ABDUL JASEEL K. K. 2021-’25 ECE and NITHISH NAYAK, RAKESH, NANDAKRISHNAN, all 2022- ‘26 ECE was a member of the KTU F-zone Men’s Kho Kho second runners-up team in 2023-’24.
  • ECE Department won the Runner’s Up Trophy in the Annual Arts Festival DIGILI 2024 held from February 19th – 23rd, 2024.
  • ECE Department were the Men’s champions in the Annual Sports Meet 2024 held on 16th and 17th February 2024.

  • SREENIVAS PAI K., 2019-23 ECE, Best Student Chair Award, IEEE Malabar Hub.

  • SRAVAN K. SHIBU 2020-24 ECE, Captain, College Cricket Team, represented the College in KTU F Zone Match (till Quarter Finals ) at Kannur Govt. Engineering College, Dec 2022.
  • SREEHARI B. 2020-24 ECE, First prize for Vallamkalipaattu in State Level Keralotsavam 2022.
  • NAVYA C. 2020-24 ECE, participated in the NSS National Integration Camp at Wayanadu, Kerala 4th -10th March 2023.

  • AMINATH NAJWA 2022-26 ECE, Won prize for Poem writing Competition in state level.
  • HARINARAYANAN A. 2019-23 ECE Kabaddi team member, F-zone winners at Collage of Engineering Trikaripur, 31st October 2022.
  • ABHINAND DILEEP 2019-23 ECE, College Team Chess Player, participated in F Zone Meet at the Vimal Jyothy College of Engineering Chemperi
  • SOORAJ M. 2021-25 ECE, First Prize for Virtualis conducted as part of AKCSSC’22 by IEEE Computer Society Kerala.
  • VIMALRAJ M. 2021-25 ECE, Handball Player F zone (winners) at GCK, Nov 2022, Handball interzone (4th) at EKC Manjeri, December 2022.
  • ANJAL BABU E. 2021-25 ECE, Handball Player F zone (winners) GCK, Nov 2022, Handball interzone (4th) at EKC Manjeri, December 2022.
  • VIMALRAJ M. 2021-25 ECE, First prize for essay writing competition on “The role of youth against gender based violence” on 12th December, 2022 by NSS.
  • ANANTHALAKSHMI V.V. 2021-25 ECE, College Team Handball Player Second place in the university inter collegiate F-Zone handball tournament.
  • JYOTSNA UNNIKRISHNAN M.V. 2021-25 ECE, College Team Handball Player Second place in the university inter collegiate F-Zone handball tournament.
  • NANDAKRISHNAN E. V. 2022-26 ECE, College Kho-kho team member Third prize in the KTU F-Zone Kho-kho championship, November ’22.
  • JISHNU E. P., 2020-24 ECE, Second prize in DE-LUSION competition as part of IEEE Malabar Hub Meet at Government Engineering College Wayanadu.


  • WESAT (Women Engineered SATellite), is a groundbreaking mission, developed by an all women team headed by Dr. Lizy Abraham, Dr. Resmi R and Dr. Sumithra M.D., all from the colleges under LBS Centre for Science and Technology. The purpose of WESAT is to measure UV rays in space and on earth’s surface and their influence on the warm temperatures and climate change phenomena in Kerala which is an important area addressed by the Govt of Kerala in view of the severe floods badly affected on the year 2018. The high levels of UV rays in our state can contribute to various health issues, making WESAT’s study essential.This pioneering effort, entirely managed by a team of women, is a testament to gender equality and innovation. Overcoming challenges including the pandemic, the project collaborated with VSSC, ISRO, IN-SPACe, Dept. of Space culminating in ISRO’s approval for launching WESAT into the Space. This was funded by an amount of  10 lakhs from DST Nidhi Prayas and Rs.14.4 lakhs from Kerala Startup Mission.

  • Sheeba K., Associate Professor ECE, was awarded the doctoral degree for her research in Development of fractal image compression techniques in March 2021 under the guidance of Dr. Abdul Rahiman from Karpagam Academy of Higher Education.

  • PRAMOD P, Assistant Professor, ECE successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in the open defence held at the School of Engineering, CUSAT on 27th June 2023.

  • RENSI SAM MATHEW received the best Student Branch Advisor in the IEEE Malabar Hub.

  • ARATHI T, Assistant Professor, ECE and Dr. RAHUL C. has received a funded project amounting to Rs. 4 lakhs, for the faculty project titled, ‘Multimodal Neural Machine Translation for Malayalam Sign Language’ funded by the Centre for Disability Studies (CeDS), Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Rensi Sam Mathew and Prof. Nishanth Augustine, Assistant Professor, ECED are the investigators for the faculty project, ‘Early Warning System for the Hearing Impaired’ amounting to 4 lakhs, funded by Centre for Disability Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.


  • NITISH NAYAK 2022-’26 ECE with Jacob George, Pratheek rao and Akshay (all CSE) under the guidance of RENSI SAM MATHEW, Assistant Professor ECE, was selected for the Student Project ‘AI APP for Blind People’, funded by the Centre for Disability Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • IEEE Team under the leadership of Mr.SREENIVAS PAI K. 2019-23 ECE handed over the test version of Automatic Voice Announcement System for Waste Management at General Hospital Kasaragod.
  • IEEE Student Branch and Industrial Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter jointly conducted an LED Bulb Assembling workshop for prison inmates at the District Jail, Hosdurg, Kasaragod.
  • K. SUKANYA, Mr. CHAVAN, Ms. RANJANA JANARDHANAN, Ms. E. THRIVENI and Ms. KAVYA N. 2019-’23 ECE under the guidance of Prof. RENSI SAM MATHEW was selected for the funded project ‘Indian Sign Language in a Box’ funded by Centre for Disability Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • SREENIVAS PAI K. 2019-’23 ECE under the guidance of Dr. SARITH DIVAKAR, Assistant Professor, CSE was selected for the funded project ‘Audible Smartoxie’ funded by Centre for Disability Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • ABNA VIJAY, Ms. ANUSREE P, Ms. SOUMYA M, Ms. CHAITHRA P. 2017- ‘21 ECE under the guidance of Prof. RENSI SAM MATHEW completed KSCSTE funded project INDUSTRIAL MONITORING USING LORA for Rs.10,000/-.



ECE Association was established for the purpose of enriching electronics engineer’s knowledge . The association aims in developing technically competent engineers in electronics and communication by organizing various activities and events that support the students to excel in their career.

1. To encourage students to prove their talents in the challenging areas in the field of electronics.
2. To make them to equip themselves with the necessary technical skills required for making them as exemplary engineers.
3. To equip the students compatible with recent trends in electronic industries
4. To develop leadership qualities with humanity, wisdom, creativity and team spirit.
5.To provide a passionate environment for continual learning.


Channel Coding Techniques in 5G:

Shannon’s Channel Capacity Limit approaching codes have always been a topic of study for years now. From 4G to 5G one of the main changes in the PHY layer is the change in channel codes from Convolutional and Turbo in 4G to LDPC and Polar in 5G. In my talk, I will be briefing on how these codes are implemented in 5G, especially the soft decoders. The layered decoding of the QC-LDPC codes used in 5G is interesting to learn. Also, I will cover the Successive Cancellation (SC) decoding of the Polar Codes.

  • As part of alumni-mentor interaction program, two webinars, one on “Intellectual Property Rights” featuring Mr. Balachandran C P, a Business Development Manager at TCS and an ECE Alumni, and another on “A Walk: Visual Guide to Mall Facilities in Control System Perspective” presented by Anoop Murali, the Electrical Works Section Head at Facilities Management, Al-Rai Real Estate Co., Kuwait, where conducted on 19.12.2023 and 22.12.2023 respectively.


  • An expert talk held on  26.10.2023, on the topic, “IOT and Applications” by Ms. Menaka T S, an Academic Executive at Keltron Knowledge Centre, Taliparamba, aimed at providing content beyond the syllabus.

  • Webinar on “Data Center Concepts and Opportunities” by Jayan V, Joint Director at CDAC, Trivandrum, on 26.09.2023, as part of the ECE Alumni mentor program to provide content beyond the syllabus.

  • An interactive session on “Astrophysics: The Scope and Possibilities” by Dr. Aathira Unni from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, University of California, was held on 05.09.2023, to raise awareness of the scope of engineers in astrophysics.

  • Outreach program, in association with Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kasaragod, introducing students to Tinkercad, led by Abhijith P, a student of S7 ECE, LBSCEK, held on 10.08.2023.


  • On 11.07.2023, an expert talk on “Trends and Opportunities in VLSI,” was conducted by Shri. Sreejeesh S G, a Senior Technical Officer at NIELIT, Calicut, aimed at making students aware of the opportunities available in the field of VLSI.

Past activities


Sl. No. Activity Name of activity Resource Person Date of Activity Purpose  
1 3-Day workshop PCB Designing Rensi Sam Mathew, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, LBSCEK, Shibin K, Tradesman, ECE, LBSCEK. 28th, 29th & 30th September 2022. Content beyond syllabus  
2 2-Day workshop Python Programming Sharath Kumar K, Fathima Zulfa, Fathimath Nahida, Students, S7 IT (2019 Admission) 28th & 29th November 2022 Peer group learning  
3 2-Day workshop Arduino Programming Sreenivas Pai K, Ranjana, Junaid, Vishnu P, K K Sukanya (2019 Admission) 8th & 10th February Peer group learning  
4 Webinar Leveraging the best from the B.Tech Miniproject Course Sunil Paul, Co-founder and CEO, Srishti Robotics Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Director, Christ Center for Innovation and Open Learning 03.03.2023 Making students aware of the possibilities of their B.Tech miniproject.  
5 Online Expert Talk On the occasion of Women’s Day, 2023 Linet K Prabhakar, HR, UL Technologies Pvt. Ltd 08.03.2023 Content beyond syllabus  
6 Expert Talk Telecom Evolution in the last 3 decades and current emerging Technologies Senior Director (Retd.), Etisalat, UAE 16.03.2023 To make students aware of oppurtunities in the telecom industry.  


Sl. No. Activity Name of activity Resource Person Date of Activity Purpose
1 Webinar Scope and Oppurtunities for Electronics Engineers in the future Shaji P E, Corporate Relations Officer, Christ College of Engineering, Iringalakuda, Thrissur. 10.08.2021 Make students aware of the oppurtunities for Electronics Engineers.
2 Webinar Introduction to Microelectronics Fabrication Dr. Jose Joseph, Assistant Professor, IIITM-K 05.09.2021 Content beyond syllabus.
3 Expert Talk Talk on Entrepreneural possibilities Sayyid Sawad, Bussiness Development Co-ordinator, Kerala startup Mission 24.10.2021 Association inauguration, Oppurtunities for entrepreneurs
4 Expert Talk Do It Yourself for Undergraduates Sreekanth Madhavan, CEO, Kabani Tech.,Palakkad 08.02.2022 Practical session for students


Sl. No. Activity Name of activity Resource Person Date of Activity Purpose
1 Workshop Aurdino workshop Mr. Abhinand p, Mr. Sreenivas Pai 09.07.2020 to 10.07.2020 To provide hands on training in Aurdino
2 Workshop Python Workshop Mr. Jayadev J, Ms. Kavitha Nair 06.08.2020 to 07.08.2020 To provide hands on training in Python programming
3 Expert Talk A talk on recent trends in telephony Ishwara Bhat, Divional Engineer, BSNL 18.01.2021 To provide an insight into recent trends in telephony
9 Workshop Hands on training in Raspberry pi Sooraj N P, Armino technologies Pvt. Ltd, Kozhikode 18.02.2021 to 19.02.2021 To provide hands on training in Raspberry Pi



  • LBS Alumni Mentor Programme LAMP-ECE by Mr. Gino George, System Architect, Volvo Trucks, Sweden on 2rth March.2021.
  • LBS Alumni Mentor Programme LAMP-ECE by Mr. Sachin Dinesh *2008-’12 Batch) on 31st March,2021.
  • LBS Alumni Mentor Programme LAMP-ECE by Mr. Anoop Murali (2006-’10 Batch), Senior Electrical Engineer, Al Rai Real Estate Company, Kuwait on 9th April 2021.
  • Webinar on INTRODUCTION TO CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS on 24th June, 2020 by Dr. Deepu Vijayasenan, Associate Professor, NIT Surathkal.
  • Webinar on SCOPE AND OPPORTUNITIES OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS IN THE FUTURE on 10th August,2020 by Prof. Shaji P.E., Corporate Relations Officer, Christ College, Thrissur.
  • Webinar on INTRODUCTION TO MICROELECTRONICS FABRICATION on 5th September 2020 by Dr. Jose Joseph, Assistant Professor, IIITM-K, Trivandrum.

Faculty Development Programs

  • KTU FDP on LORAWAN AND IOT APPLICATIONS from July 14th to 16th, 2021.
    ATAL FDP on IoT FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT FOR AGRICULTURE from September 6th to 10th, 2021.

Other Activities

  • The Department Technical Fest EXIMIUS was held in May 2023.
  • LBS Alumni Mentor Programme LAMP-ECE by Er. Balachandran C. P., 1996-2000 ECE Batch and Business Developer Manager, TCS on 19th December 2023.
  • LBS Alumni Mentor Programme LAMP-ECE by Er. Anoop Murali 2006-’10 ECE on ‘A Walk Visual Guide to Mall Facilities in Control System Perspective’ on 22nd December 2023.


2019-23 ECE students K.K. Sukanya,  Mohammed Junaid T. M., Akhila T. K., Remyasree P. presented a paper ‘ Voice to Dactylology’  in the  International Conference on Comprehensive Education for Children with Special Needs organised by DIFFERENT ART CENTRE, Kinfra Park, Thiruvananthapuram in association with
ADELPHI UNIVERSITY, New York, USA and supported by Department of Empowerment of persons with disabilities Govt of India and Social Justice Department Govt of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram on 6th July 2023. 


The alumni of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering have consistently excelled in diverse fields, both in industry and academia. Our graduates have secured prominent positions in renowned companies worldwide. Our alumni have demonstrated exceptional leadership and expertise. Their contributions span across telecommunications, semiconductor technology, embedded systems, signal processing, and beyond. Our alumni have also excelled in the diverse areas of software technology. Many have also made significant strides in entrepreneurship, founding successful startups and created new avenues for growth. Moreover, our alumni actively engage with the academic community, mentoring current students, and maintain a vibrant relationship with the department, thereby fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge exchange. Their achievements stand as a testament to the academic training and the supportive ecosystem fostered by the department.


This is a registered body under the Government of Kerala Societies Registration Act.

  • The Office Bearers of LBS ECE Alumni Association for the period 2023-’25
    • Patron : Dr. Mohammed Shekkor, Principal, LBSCEK
    • Chairman : Dr. Sheeba K., HoD ECE
    • President : Mr. Boby Varghese
    • Vice President : Dr. Roy Thankachan
    • Secretary : Mr. Rensi Sam Mathew
    • Joint Secretaries : Dr. Kalpana George, Mr. Jayadev , Ms. Fathima Shahina
    • Treasurer : Mr. Firas T Abdulla
    • Convenor (Technical Mentoring) : Ms. Vidya Varier
    • Convenor (Placements) : Mr. Abhinand P.
    • Convenor (Developmental Activites ) : Mr. Anoop Murali
    • Convenor(Industry Relations) : Mr. Sreejesh S. G.
    • Convenor (Entrepreneurship) : Mr.Sanu Krishnan


Mr. Boby Varghese


CEO, SE-Mentor Solutions (P) Ltd

Technopark, Trivandrum


Sreekanth Sreedharan


Global head – Partner solution Adoption -SAP customer experience & SAP Business AI

Santhosh  V


Sci/Eng-SG,Division Head LARD/SEIG/MVIT

Vikram Sarabai Space Centre, Trivandrum

Tony Chacko Joseph


Chief Information Security Advisor

Ministry of Finance, Abu Dhabi

Sunil Kumar T.V


Sr. DGM(Telecom)

Powgrid Mumbai

Nipu Nallakkandy


Engineering Manager

Intel Corporation, Singapore

Dr. Sivakumar R.


Associate professor

Government Engineering College Wayanad

Anna Catharin


Scientist ‘F’ at DRDO

DRDL, DRDO, Hyderabad -500058

Dr. Roy Thankachan


Scientist SG


Firaz T. Abdulla


Assistant General Manager

BSNL, Kannur

Dr. Jayan V.


Joint Director/ Scientist E

CDAC, trivandrum

Chempak Kumar A


Assistant Professor, CAPE

Bindu Vijayan



Tahr Tech Studio

Sreejeesh S. G.


Senior Technical Officer

NIELIT Calicut

Ginob Kurian




Rathesh K.


Dy. Proj Director NVS/IRNSS


Jude Anthany Joseph


Indian film director and screenwriter


Ayshath Samna


Production Manager

Business Machines Middle East, Dubai, UAE

Unni Krishnan Koroth


Vishwajith A


Head of Operations

Entri Software Pvt Ltd

Arvind G S


Director – Sales Engineering

Whatfix – Bengaluru

Raghunath K P






Assistant Engineer


Mohammed Nisham


Associate Manager,


Prajeesh padman



Deepa Bineesh


Material Analyst Lead

Lam Research

Sandeep Chandran


Lieutenant Commander

Indian Navy

Abbin Varghese


Technical Lead

Tata Consultancy Services/Amsterdam

Muhammed Haseeb


Project Manager



Manigandan M S


QA Lead, TCS

Nikhil Raj



Indian Army

Jayaram R


IT System Administrator

ESMT Berlin

Fathima Shahina


2014-16 M.Tech

Tadbeer UAE

Sachin Dinesh


Senior Consultant

Deloitte US India

Jayadev J.


Strategy Consultant

IBM India Pvt. Ltd.

Suraj R Nair


Manager – QA Testing

Reliance Jio, Navi Mumbai

Arun Narayanan


Senior Data Scientist

American Express

Pranav K.O.


Senior Technical Lead and L1 Expert

Continental AG

Vishal P.V.


Software Technologist


Aswani Valsan T.P.


Lead/Application Developer

IBM India Pvt Ltd

Swapna Josmi Sam


Data Engineer,Raygun, New Zeland

Adithya Chandran


Senior Research Scientist,Trellix

Vishnu T. V



Sreya N. K

Automotive Validation Engineer

Tata Elxsi


This is an initiative by the Alumni of the ECE Department to help the current students studying in the Department. Several talks were given by the Alumni to motivate and develop the students.

  • Talk by Gino George (2006-10 ECE), Volvo trucks, Sweden shared his experiences and steps reaching to Volvo trucks on 24th March 2021.
  • Talk by Mr.Sachin Dinesh (2008-12 ECE), Senior Consultant ,Deloitte US India on 31st March 2021.
  • Experience Sharing by Mr. Anoop Murali(2006-10 ECE) , Senior El;ectrical Engineer, Al rai Real Estate Company, Kuwait on 9th April 2021.

  • Talk on Intellectual property rights by Mr. Balachandran C.P.,(1996-2000 ECE), TCS on 19th December 2023

  • A Walk Visual Guide to Mall Facilities in Control System perspectibve by Mr. Anoop Murali(2006-10 ECE), Electrical Work Section Head, Al Rai Real Estate Company, Kuwait

Alumni Get-together

  • AGM 2023

  • An online meeting was held on 7th October 2023. 32 alumni participated in addition to the faculty of the department.
    • 1994-98 Batch reunion

  • 23 members of the 1994-98 Batch gathered in the College on Decemebr 29 and 30, 2023. They had a great time of interaction with the Principal, HoD and other faculty

Alumni Contribution to the Department

  • 1994-98 batch students donated a Projector for the department.

  • 2017-21  batch and 2018-22 batch members visited the campus on January 27th, 2024 and donated two notice boards for the classrooms.




Details: Program Specific text books and reference books. Department Library is under the care of a faculty in charge. Students and staff members of department will make use of the books available. Books are either purchased or donated by outgoing students or complementary copies received by staff from various publishers.

Reason for creating facility: Students and staff members of department can borrow books for reference.

Utilization: Utilized by students and staff members
Areas in which students are expected to have enhanced learning: Curriculum specified subjects, contents beyond the syllabus.

Total Books: 1296
Titles: 542



Electronics Workshop: Room No. L430

Name of the Important Equipment: CRO, DC regulated Power supply, Analog multi meter, Digital multi meter, Function Generator, Soldering Iron, computer with internet access

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): ESL130 Electronics Workshop (S1 & S2): 12 hours per week

Electronic Circuits Lab: Room No. L429

Name of the Important Equipment: Digital storage Oscilloscope, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Analog multi meter, Digital multi meter, Analog Ammeter, Analog Voltmeter, DC regulated power supply, Inductance box, Capacitance box, LCR Meter, computer with internet access

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): ECL202 Analog Circuits and Simulation Lab (S4): (6 hours per week) ECL331Analog Integrated Circuits and Simulation Lab (S5) -(6 hours per week)



Digital Electronics Lab: Room No. EC003

Name of the Important Equipment: Digital trainer kit, Digital IC tester, CRO, function generator, LCD projector, 10KVA UPS, computer with internet access

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): ECL203 Logic Design Lab (S3) -: (6 hours per week) CSL202 Digital Lab (S4) -: (12 hours per week)


Microcontroller Lab: Room No. EC004

Name of the Important Equipment: Microcontroller kit with keyboard, Microprocessor kit with keyboard, Stepper motor interface, ADC & DAC interface, Matrix display, keyboard and display interface, CRO, function generator, computer with internet access

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): ECL204 Microcontroller Lab (S4) -: (6 hours per week) -)


Communication Engineering lab: Room No. L428

Name of the Important Equipment: Microwave workbench setup (Klystron & Gunn diode) with accessories, OFC LED module  kit, OFC laser module  kit, Digital storage Oscilloscope, Digital communication trainer kit, PC modulator, Television, VCR, embedded data communication trainer, inductance box, Function Generator , Digital multi meter, DC regulated power supply, TDM pulse amplitude modulation, pattern generator, Telephone exchange tutor , computer with internet access, Software defined radio,  FM transmitter, Analog and Digital IC tester, 10KVA UPS

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): ECL332 Communication Lab (S6): (6 hours per week) ECL411) Electromagnetics Lab (S7) :(6 hours per week)

Systems Lab: Room No. AD205B

Name of the Important Equipment: Desktop computers with Monitor, DSP kit, Printers, Air conditioner, MATLAB, 10KVA UPS, LCD projector.

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): EST102 Programming in C (S2): (4 hours per week) ECL333 Digital Signal Processing Lab (S5): (6 hours per week)


Research Lab: Room No. 205A

Name of the Important Equipment: Desktop computers with Monitor, LCD projector, Air conditioner, MATLAB, CADENS, Server Computer

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): 6-10 hours per week


Project lab: Room No. EC104

Name of the Important Equipment: Desktop computers with Monitor, Air conditioner, Raspberry Pi kit, Arduino board, Galilio board, MATLAB, ORCAD, Printer, LVDT Measurement Trainer, Temperature, Measurement Trainer, Strain Measurement Trainer, Buck Boost Trainer, SMPS trainer, Half and full bridge converter

Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized): ECD334 Mini project (S6): (6 hours per week) ECD415 Project Phase I (S7): (6 hours per week)

ECD416 Project Phase II (S8): (6 hours per week)




 1 . Experiential Learning

A. Workshops : Our department regularly hosts workshops dedicated to exploring and implementing innovative teaching methods in the classroom. These workshops provide educators with valuable opportunities to learn about the latest trends and techniques in teaching and engage in hands-on activities to develop their skills. Some of the workshops are listed :

  • Arduino Workshop : A Two day workshop was conducted for 2nd year students (2020-24  ECEbatch) on “Arduino based IoT” 11th and 12th December 2021. Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew, Assistant Professor, ECE was the resource person. This programme could help the students in understanding the working of Microprocessors and designing simple Electronic Circuits using LEDs and sensors. Students gained proficiency in programming and interfacing sensors, actuators, and other electronic components, facilitating real-world application of circuit design principles and enhancing problem-solving skills. This workshop also helped the students to work together as a team and bring out their creativity, thus cultivating teamwork and innovation.

  • LaTeX Workshop : The students of sixth semester (2020-24 ECE Batch) were introduced to LaTex software by Prof. Pramod with the support of IEEE SB LBSCEK on 26th July 2022. LaTeX is a software used for document preparation and publications. This workshop was aimed to help the students in the preparation of the reports for the project of students.Mmastering LaTeX empowered students with a versatile and widely-used tool in academia and industry, equipping them with a valuable skillset for future academic endeavors and professional pursuits.

B. Industrial Visits : Visit to Mercedez Benz facility

  • A visit to the Mercedez Benz facility in Trivandrum was organized of the students taking the course “ECT 342 Embedded Systems” in the 2020-24 ECE Batch. They got an exposure to various electronics systems in a car and and how CAN technology interfaces the various systems. By witnessing firsthand the intricate processes and advanced technologies employed by Mercedes-Benz, students gained valuable insights into the practical implementation of theoretical concepts learned in the classroom. Moreover, interacting with industry professionals and observing their methodologies enhanced students’ understanding of the complexities and challenges inherent in embedded systems design and implementation.

C. Demonstration

  • Neethu Pavithran demonstrated the Microwave equipments as she taught the course ECT401 Microwave and Antennas. This gave the students a more clear understanding of the microwave devices and their functioning.This has enhanced their understanding of theoretical concept of microwave technology. This experiential learning opportunity allowed students to see firsthand various microwave devices and a better understanding of their working.

2. Peer Learning

  • The Final year students had a session on “How to make a Paper out of B.Tech Project – Preparing and Participating in a Conference” for the first year students on  14th July 2023 in the N303 room in Classroom Block. The students who participated  and prepared papers in different conferences shared their experiences. The session provided valuable insights into the academic process. It also  fostered a culture of peer learning and mentorship within the college community. By sharing their experiences and expertise, the final year students guided their juniors through the intricacies of crafting a research paper from their B.Tech projects and navigating the conference participation process.

3. Expert Lectures

  • “Relevance of System Engineering and Satellite Communication” :  The talk on the “Relevance of System Engineering and Satellite Communication” by Mr. P. Kunhikrishnan, a Distinguished Scientist and former Director of the U.R. Rao Satellite Centre (URSC) in Bengaluru, served as a pivotal learning opportunity for students during the Inauguration of Technical Fest EXIMIUS 2023 on April 26th, 2023. Through Mr. Kunhikrishnan’s expertise and insights, students gained a comprehensive understanding of the intricate field of system engineering and its critical role in satellite communication technology. The students were able to grasp the relevance and significance of their academic pursuits in a practical context. Mr. Kunhikrishnan’s distinguished career and firsthand experiences provided invaluable inspiration and guidance to aspiring engineers, encouraging them to pursue excellence and innovation in their chosen fields.

  • ‘Telecom Evolution in the last 3 Decades and Current Emerging Technologies’ : Talk on ‘Telecom Evolution in the last 3 Decades and Current Emerging Technologies’ by Mr. GOWTHAMAN P. K. Senior Director (Retd.) ETISALAT, UAE on April 17th, 2023 at Amphitheatre. This helped the students taking the course ECT402 Wireless Communication to get a better practical understanding of Telephone and wireless technologies.  Students enrolled in the ECT402 Wireless Communication course benefitted immensely from Mr. Gowthaman’s deep expertise and industry experience. His comprehensive overview of the evolution of telecommunications provided students with a contextual understanding of the field, while insights into emerging technologies offered invaluable foresight into industry trends.

4. Technology Enabled Learning

A.Using Google classroom: our faculty has used Google classroom extensively. It has helped to efficiently distribute course materials and assignments. Students benefit from easy access to course content from any device, enabling flexible and personalized learning experiences. The platform facilitates real-time collaboration and communication creating an interactive learning environment that encourages engagement and participation. It has helped in grading and feedback, simplify assessment processes, enabling instructors to provide timely feedback and monitor student progress effectively.

Table 1: List of faculty using Google classroom

Dr. Mary Reena K.E. Computer Communication (2017-21 batch)
Analog and Digital Communication (2020-24 batch)
Modern Communication Systems (202-24 batch)
Design Engineering (2022-26 batch)
Dr. Sheeba K. Digital Image Processing (2017-21 Batch)
Linear Integrated Circuits
Comprehesive Viva
Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew Professional Ethics (2022-26 batch)
Project (2017-21 batch)  
Digital Communication (2018-22 batch)
Scientific Computing (2020-24 batch)
Prof. Neethu Pavithran C VLSI Circuit Design (2021-25 batch)
Constitution of India (2022-26 batch)
Analog Circuits and Simulation Lab( 2022-26 batch)
Basic Electronics Workshop (2023-27 batch)
Prof. Nishanth Augustine Project (19-23 Batch)
Microcontroller Lab (18-22 batch)
Design project (18-22 batch)
Solid State Devices (19-23 batch)
Signals/DSP (18-22 batch)
Prof. Aswathy Devi T. Electronic Circuits (2019-23 batch)
Network Theory (2019-23 batch)
Network Theory (2020-24 batch)

B.Using Simulations/Apps

  • Students in ECT342 Embedded Systems used simulators for ARM programming. CPUlator, an online tool was used to familiarize ARM Assembly language programming. It help the students to visualize the internal architecture of ARM processors, the working of various units inside the ARM and the program execution flow.

C.Videos/animations using Projectors in class

  • All our classes have projectors and these are used to display videos and animations so that studnts will get a better understanding of the theoretical concepts

D.Youtube channel/videos

Our department has a YouTube channel where several relevant videos are uploaded.The youtube address of the channel is

The contents of the Youtube channel are  as given below.

Table 2: List of Youtube videos in the Department channel

FDP recordings Internet of Things (January 2021)
LoRaWAN and IoT (July 2021)
IoT Framework for Agriculture Sector (September 2021)
Minor Orientation of Minor Courses by Senior students to Juniors





Technical Article writing by Dr. Nithin M., RVCE Bangaluru
Scope and Opportunities of Electronics engineers in the future by Prof. Shaji P.E.
Convolutional Neural Networks by Dr, Deepu Vijayasenan


Fig : Screenshot of the Youtube Channel of the Department

In addition to this our faculty record and share videos related to the courses also.

Table 3: List of Videos

Dr. Arathi T. Machine Learning
Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew Scientific Computing (2022-26 batch)
Minor DC
Digital Communication (2018-22 batch)


Fig : Screenshot of the Youtube Videos for ECL201 Scientific Computing Laboratory by Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew.