04994 250290, 04994 250555

Research & Development (R& D) Cell

Research & Development (R& D) Cell

Dr. Pramod P., Dean R & D


  1. Visalakshi V, Associate Professor, EEE
  2. Manojkumar G, Associate Professor, CSE
  3. Anilkumar B C, Associate Professor, ME
  4. Beenamol M, Assistant Professor, CE

Research Laboratories under R & D Cell

  1. Research Lab
  2. IDEA Lab
  3. SDPK
  4. Web application Development lab

Research Guides
Research supervisors under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

Sl. No Name University ID Area of Specialization Branch
1 Dr. Vinodu George KTU-F254 Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
2 Dr. Praveen Kumar K KTU-F108 Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
3 Dr. Mary Reena  K E KTU-F11363 Electronics  & Communication Engineering Electronics  & Communication Engineering
4 Dr. Pramod P KTU-F11366 Digital System Design, Low-Power Techniques, VLSI Design & Testing, and VLSI Signal Processing. Electronics  & Communication Engineering
5 Dr.Anil Kumar B C KTU-F11391 Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
6 Dr. Baiju P S KTU-F721 Image and Video processing Electronics  & Communication Engineering
7 Dr. Aseem K KTU-F11351 Power System, Control System Electrical & Electronics  Engineering
8 Dr. Rahul C KTU-F11376 Information Technology Information Technology
9 Dr.Arathi T KTU-F11368 Wavelet Theory, Image Reconstruction, Machine Learning Electronics  & Communication Engineering
10 Dr.Kannan M KTU-F107 Electric vehicles, Deep Learning Electrical & Electronics   Engineering
11 Dr.Beena Mol M KTU-F11368 Civil Engineering Civil Engineering

Functions of R & D Cell

The Research and Development Cell would provide an environment wherein researchers, through knowledge and skills, good governance, and extensive financial support, would create and disseminate knowledge, innovate, and develop technology for societal and industrial needs.
The details of the functions of the Research and Development Cell of the college are as follows:

  1. To prepare an annual research plan, and implement and monitor the research activities of all the departments.
  2. To develop networking and collaborative research of thecollege with national and or international institutes.
  3. Formulate the rules and regulations related to the policy framework for utilizing thedepartments’ facilities and resources.
  4. To formulate rules and regulations forfacilitatingthe exchange of students, faculty, and scholars.
  5. To develop a research information management system for the college and to facilitate the access of the same to others.
  6. To support the development of research proposals from the teachers for external funding.
  7. To develop clusters of researchers working in the high-value inter- and trans-disciplinary research areas and to promote national and international funding.
  8. To promote quality publications and patents of the researchers through incentives and prizes.
  9. To identify, channel, and promote investors for the research and development activities of the college.
  10. To monitor and maintain the integrity and ethics of the research activities of the college
  11. To build the research capacity of the faculty members and students of the college through various activities and events related to research.
  12. To set up an Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for managing industrial collaboration and agreements and further leveraging on consultancy work.
  13. Take up appropriate problems of the industry for finding solutions through R&D projects assigned to faculty and students.
  14. To initiate and promote MoU with industries and R&D organizations for consultancy, collaborative research, sponsored projects, industry and Institute interactions etc.
  15. To depute senior faculty to various research organizations for getting collaborative projects and adopting best practices.
  16. To arrange brainstorming sessions through talks by eminent personalities from industry, R& D organizations, and institutions of repute for a better understanding of research methodology and practices currently followed.
  17. To keep everyone informed about announcements by various funding agencies like DST, DAE, DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, AICTE, UGC and University, etc.
  18. To enlighten state-of-the-art technologies for scholars through special lectures on contemporary research topics by renowned experts in key areas.
  19. Facilitating timely auditing and submission of utilization certificates.
  20. To obtain information once a year in the prescribed format on faculty involvement in guiding students, paper publications, research projects from external funding agencies, and involvement in collaborative research activity.
  21. To organize conferences, workshops, seminars, training programs, and other research-oriented events.

Contact Info

L B S College of Engineering
(A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking)

Povval, Muliyar Post Office,
Kasaragod, Kerala-671542

04994 250290, 04994 250555

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.


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