We are an authorised Test Center for conducting various online examinations initiated by Govt. Agencies like KPSC/UPSC/GATE/IBPS/SSC/RRB/NSEIT for different organisations under State, Central and Public Sector. After setting up contract with these agencies, we are permitting to conduct mck test in the presence of out technical team. Prof. Sandeep Chandran (Asst.Professor, CSE Dept.), and Mr. Anil Kumark T.K (Computer Programmer CSE Dept.) are in charge of online examination in the campus
Currently we are providing around 200 Computers with necessary sotwares and have 50 Mbps BSNL leased line Internet connectivity and a Gigabit Coreswich configured with VLAN.
We are also conducting lab facility of 200 seats for External IT training programmed of different organisatons under state, centrral and public sector. The Govt. of Kerala departments like Taxes, Excise and Revenue are regularly conducting their staff training programmes in our campus
L B S College of Engineering
(A Govt. of Kerala Undertaking)
Povval, Muliyar Post Office,
Kasaragod, Kerala-671542
04994 250290, 04994 250555
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
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