04994 250290, 04994 250555

Electrical & Electronics Engineering



“The world thrives on Electrical Energy”

“The career of an Electrical Engineer is most Interesting, responsible and provides immense opportunities to serve the community”


To nurture world class Electrical and Electronics Engineers contributing to the society at large with emphasis on sustainable technologies.


  • Create professionally competent graduates by providing resourceful environment through innovations, industrial and societal interactions, consultancy and research.
  • Inculcate the spirit of inquiry, entrepreneurial skills, ethical values and team work among graduates.
Programme Educational Objectives

Our graduates will:

PEO1 : Excel in industry and academics in electrical and allied domains.

PEO2 : Pursue careers in multi-disciplinary areas conforming to ethical values and environment
friendly policies.

PEO3 : Inculcate team work and foster the ability to relate electrical engineering solutions for social

PEO4 : Become successful innovators and entrepreneurs through life-long learning.


Our graduates will be able to:

PSO1 Attain competence in developing, testing and implementing electrical and electronic systems with proper usage of software and hardware tools.
PSO2 Apply theoretical concepts of power systems, electric drives and control systems for analysing and identifying solutions to tap clean energy considering the impact on society.


About the Department

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in 1993, offering a B.Tech program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with an intake of 60 students. The sanctioned intake for the four year B.Tech course now is 66 students, which includes 6 lateral entry students during the third semester.

The Department is well-stabilized with a team of vibrant faculty members and state-of-the-art laboratories. Its strength lies in the highly qualified faculty and proficient supporting staff. Furthermore, the department offers excellent research facilities and consistently updates its laboratory equipment with the latest technology. Besides academic excellence, the department encourages and supports the co-curricular activities of students for their overall development. Faculty members provide individual attention and mentoring to ensure the success of each student.

The department takes pride in its numerous distinguished alumni who have bagged university ranks and hold prominent positions in esteemed organizations such as NTPC, KSEB, HAL, DRDO, ISRO, Electrical Inspectorate, Railways, Civil Services, and various reputed organizations both in India and abroad. These alumni maintain continuous interactions with the department, offering invaluable guidance and support for the benefit and advancement of current students.

The department is actively involved in research and consultancy works across various fields of electrical engineering, viz.,

  • Testing of large capacity UPS systems for various clients/ departments.
  • Precise measurement using high quality digital instruments like Power Analyzer, Digital earth tester etc.
  • True RMS measurements of various electrical parameters for dedicated systems.
  • Testing of streetlights of various Panchayats.

The department also houses its own library with more than 300 titles and 20 IS (Indian Standard) codes. It has an active Students’ Association that organizes technical fests and events, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.

YouTube Channel 

Department Advisory Board (DAB)
  1. Prof (Dr) Jayaprakash P, Principal, Govt College of Engineering , Kannur.
  2. Shri Nagaraja Bhat K , Exe Engineer, KSEBL, Electrical Division , Kasaragod.
  3. Shri Sajith Kumar M , Asst Engineer, Relay Sub Division, Kasaragod.
  4. Shri Mohan Kumar , Meethal House, Thiruvakkoli , P O Bekal , Kasaragod.
  5. Prof Jayakumar M, HOD, Department of EEE.
  6. Dr. Visalakshi V , Assoc Professor , Department of EEE.
  7. Prof (Dr) Rajashree Raghavan, Assoc professor , Department of EEE.
  8. Prof Baby Sindhu A V , Asst Professor , Department of EEE.
  9. Dr. Aseem K , Asst Professor, Department of EEE
Department Quality Assurance cell (DQAC)
  1. Prof. Jayakumar M – Chairman
  2. Dr. Rajashree Raghavan – Convenor
  3. Dr. Aseem K
  4. Prof Baby Sindhu A V
Programme Assessment Committee
  1. Dr. Visalakshi V – Convenor
  2. Prof. Arun S Mathew
  3. Prof. Anish Joseph Jacob
  4. Dr. Sheeja V
  5. Dr.  Kannan Madhavan



Prof. Jayakumar M.

Associate Professor and Head of Dept

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Mobile :9446463953

Email :



Sl No Name Designation Mobile number
1 Prof. Jayakumar M Associate Professor 9446463953
2 Dr. Visalakshi V Associate Professor 9400592187
3 Dr. Rajashree Raghavan  Professor 9447378052
4 Prof. Baby Sindhu A.V. Associate Professor 9037667582
5 Dr. Sheeja V Assistant Professor 9400102570
6 Dr.Aseem K. Assistant Professor 6238893151
7 Dr. Kannan M. Assistant Professor 9847485300
8 Prof. Sridhanya M I Assistant Professor 8089937726
9 Prof. Abhilash V Nair Assistant Professor 8113020599
10 Prof. Anish Joseph Jacob Assistant Professor 9496642749
11 Prof.Arun S Mathew Assistant Professor 9446588123


Sl No Name Designation Mobile number
1 Ms.Manju  V First grade Instructor 9447413602
2 Sri. Deepak Sen J S Trade InstructorGr.ll 8893443922
3 Mr.Subhash K Trade Instructor Gr.II 9961991414
4 Mr. Shaiju A K Trade Instructor Gr.ll 8075315636
5 Mr. Abhijith P Trade Technician 9778184577


Prof. Jayakumar M
Associate Professor

Dr.Visalakshi V
Associate Professor

Dr. Rajashree Raghavan

Prof.Baby Sindhu A V
Associate Professor

Dr. Sheeja V
Assistant Professor

Dr. Aseem K
Assistant Professor

Dr. Kannan M
Assistant Professor

Prof. Sridhanya M I
Assistant Professor

Prof. Abhilash V Nair
Assistant Professor

Prof. Anish Joseph Jacob
Assistant Professor

Prof. Arun S Mathew
Assistant Professor

Mrs. Manju V
First grade instructor

Mr. Deepak Sen J S
Trade Instructor Gr.II

Mr.Subhash K
Trade Instructor Gr.II

Mr. Shaiju A K
Trade Instructor Gr.II

Mr. Abhijith P
Trade Technician



The department is well facilitated with most useful amenities. It has its own department library, browsing centre, smart seminar hall etc



The department is well equipped with top class laboratories. Various laboratories provide platform for the students to learn the practical aspects of the theory they had grasped from the class rooms. More over, laboratories provide equipments for the students to materialize their project work to reality. All such works are being assisted by devoted staff members. Various laboratories that run by the EEE department are

Electrical Workshop
Electrical Machines Lab
Circuits and Measurements Lab
Electronics Circuits Lab
Power Electronics Lab
Control Systems Lab
Simulation Lab
Power system Lab



Electrical engineering workshop is utilised by all branches of first year students of LBS College of Engineering for Basic Electrical Engineering Workshop. We are conducting the experiments as per KTU syllabus for first year Engineering students. Mainly wiring exercises like parallel wiring, Staircase ,Godown ,Flourescent lamp wiring and Plug and socket wiring are done in this workshop. Measuring experiments like R,L,C measurements using LCR meter and single phase power measurements are conducted in this wokshop.Light distribution board demonstration is usually done here.Apart from this we are conducting consultancy works in this workshop for various government organisations. Major equipments in the workshop are bench grinder, power drilling machine, hand drilling machine, hot air blower, jigsaw cutter, soldering station,Digital earth tester,soldering station,LCR meter etc

This lab is one of the oldest labs in the campus as Electrical and Electronics branch was started at the beginning of the college 25 years ago. The modernized lab having a carpet area of 2310 sqft, still keeps its vintage look. The experiments performed in this lab are Brake test on a DC shunt motor, Brake test on a DC series motor, OC and SC tests on a single phase transformer, OCC of a DC shunt generator, Load test on a single phase transformer, Swinburne’s test on a DC shunt machine, Load test on DC shunt generator,S umpner’s test, Separation of losses in a single phase transformer, Separation of losses in a DC machine,Hopkinson’s test,Regulation of alternator by direct loading, EMF, MMF, Potier and ASA methods,Regulation of salient pole alternator using two reaction theory, Active and reactive power control in grid connected alternators, Variation of starting torque with rotor resistance and speed control in slip-ring induction motors, Brake tests on three phase squirrel cage and slip-ring induction motors,No-load and blocked rotor test on a three phase induction motor,Performance characteristics of a pole changing induction motors,V curve of a synchronous motor,Performance characteristics of an induction generator,Equivalent circuit of a single phase induction motor etc.
The laboratory is well-equipped with instruments and equipments needed to familiarize the students with various areas of study related to measurement and calibration. The major equipments include energy meters, bridges and potentiometer circuits. The experiments are designed to reinforce and expand many concepts covered in the circuits & networks and measurements& instrumentation courses namely verification of network theorems, calibration of energy meters, measurement of power, calibration of LVDT etc. Students are also made to understand the phenomenon of hysteresis and other concepts related to metering.
This lab is intended to introduce students to the “Art of Electronics”. Students are familiarized with all the basic electronic components, its charaBcteristics and applications. The lab is fully furnished with advanced oscilloscopes, function generators, digital multimeters, regulated power supplies, integrated circuits and a wide range of electronic kits Students perform practical sessions on P-N junction diodes, Zener diodes, rectifiers and filters, characteristics and biasing techniques of BJT and FET, amplifiers, operational amplifiers, oscillators and 555 timer. The lab is also widely used by UG students to develop and test various electronic circuits and design projects.
The main objective of this lab is to introduce students to the different semiconductor devices and power electronic modules. Power electronic modules are used to study the characteristic of various semiconductor devices like SCR, MOSFET and TRIAC, various triggering methods like R/RC/UJT, analysis of single phase fully controlled bridge circuit, half/full semi converter with R/RL load etc. Synthesis of waveforms of different types of inverters/converters using simulation software are done in this lab. Being the most utilized lab by both PG and UG students for project and research, the department is pledged to constantly update and upgrade the lab with the state-of-the art equipment.
To supplement the courses on Control Theory, the lab is well equipped with the state-of the art trainer kits and modules to enable students understand the components of an automation system. Students are also familiarized with the simulation software like MATLAB. Experiments done in this lab include the predetermination, design, realization and verification of frequency response characteristics of different compensators, analysis of P/PI/PID controllers and control system design using MATLAB control system tool box/SIMULINK
The significance of the Electrical Circuit Simulation Lab is renowned in the various fields of engineering applications. For an Electrical Engineer, it is obligatory to have the practical ideas about the Electrical Circuits and Simulation. With modern technologies, sophisticated analytical software are available that aids problem solving. Under this lab, students are fed with an opportunity to study various well established software like MATLAB, Mi-Power,PSIM etc. Most of the text book problems can be solved using the these software installed in numerous computers. More over this lab provides the foundation stone for the students to step in to their PG studies for which knowledge of these software are essential.
1. Control systems simulation studies based on MATLAB such as Time domain response analysis using MATLAB, Stability analysis using MATLAB ,Study of the effect of P,PI and PID controllers,Open loop and Closed loop speed control of DC motor using Simulink, DC moto r speed control using PID controllers using control system tool box,Design of Lag, lead and lag-lead compensators using MATLAB
2. Power Electronics circuits and Drives circuits modeling and anlaysis such as Single phase fully controlled rectifier,Three phase fully controlled rectifier,Design and simulation of buck converter,Design and simulation of boost converter,Design and simulation of buck boost converter,Simulation study of single phase to single phase cyclo converter,Pulse width modulated inverter,Simulation study of single phase ac voltage controller,Simulation study of three phase ac voltage controller,Simulation study of multilevel inverter,Simulation study of multipulse converter,Induction motor drives
3. Power system simulation studies such as Load flow analysis –Gauss Siedel Method ,Load flow analysis –Newton Raphson Method,Load flow analysis –Fast Decoupled Method,Short Circuit Analysis – Symmetrical Faults,Short Circuit Analysis – Unsymmetrical Faults,Stability analysis of power system,Automatic generation control – Single Area,Automatic generation control – Two Area
Power system lab resources are High voltage Insulation tester (30kV, 30mA), IDMT over current relay (230V AC,5A), Electromechanical based IDMT over voltage relay(230V AC,110V), Earth tester (megger),Micro controller based Over voltage/Under voltage relay, Micro controller based Over current relay, Three phase over current relay, transformer oil test kit (manual and automatic) and simulation software Mipower. The lab is used for teaching Power system basics and advanced concepts.
  • No of volumes :716
  • No of Titles : 412
  • IS codes : 20
  • Data manual : 37

The Electrical &  Electronics engineering department library facility provides a variety of useful books exclusively for the students of the department. There is a good collection of books in the field of Control system, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Electrical Drives etc. It also contains collection of project and seminar reports useful for the students and faculty members.



B.Tech Group Tutors

Each year admitted students to the department is looked after by a team of faculties who are responsible for and take care of individual students.

Semester Group Tutors
2021-2025 Prof. Baby Sindhu A V &  Prof. Anish Joseph Jacob
2022-2026 Dr. Aseem K & Dr. Kannan M
2023-2027 Prof. Abhilash V Nair & Prof. Arun S Mathew
2024-2028 Dr. Rajashree Raghavan & Dr. Sheeja V



2022-2026 BATCH

  • Gokulkrishna P, Dhanraj P, and Murali Krishnan A were members of the KTU FZONE Football winning team for 2024-25.
  • Akshay M. R. secured the First Prize in the Power Quiz competition conducted by the
    KSEB Officers Association on 26th September 2024.
  • Nishana Nasri, Sreelakshmi M, Sandra M. K., and Fathimath Sauma successfully
    completed the NPTEL-MOOC course during the academic year 2024-25.
  • Sandra M K, Anannya P, and Sreelakshmi M were members of the group that secured
    the second prize in the Group Dance competition at the Arts Fest 2023-24.
  • Adarsh T won the second prize in Prasangam (Malayalam) at the Arts Fest 2023-24.
  • Preetham Raj won the first prize in Kannada poem writing at the Arts Fest 2023-24.
  • Thejwin G earned the second prize in the 5km walk at the 2023-24 sports fest.
  • Nandanan M achieved remarkable success in the 2023-24 sports fest, clinching the
    first prize in the 3000m race, second place in the 1500m race, and second place in the
    4x200m relay.
  • Vaishnav Satheesan, Sahal Abubacker, and Muhammed Safwan E S were members of
    the Vattapattu group that secured the second prize in the Arts Fest 2023-24.
  • Sahal Abubacker secured the first and second prizes in the triple jump competition at
    the Sports Fest in the consecutive years of 2022-23 and 2023-24.
  • Shyamdas V won third place in the tabla competition at the Arts Fest 2023-24.
  • Dhanraj P secured first place in the 400m race and second place in the 800m race at
    the Sports Fest 2023-24.
Asish Yathish P (2019-23 EEE Batch)
Hayash Habeeb Memorial Best outgoing student award (boy) for the year 2022-23
Fathimath Shibna A (2019-23 EEE Batch)
Hayash Habeeb Memorial Best outgoing student award (Girl) for the year 2022-23

2022-2026 Batch

  1. Sandra M K member in Handball team, runners up in F zone 2022-23.












2021-2025 Batch

  1. Ajay Krishnan V secured first in Power Quiz conducted by KSEB officers association on 21/11/23
  2. Arjun P secured second in Power Quiz conducted by KSEB officers association on 21/11/23
  3. Sreeram S and Arjun P secured second in district level Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz conducted by KSEBEA on 30/10/2023
  4. Dhekshith P and Raveendas T secured third in district level Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz conducted by KSEBEA on 30/10/2023
  5. Arjun M, Abhinav K K and Abhinand E V got selected to district level in idea competition, YIP 6.0 (Category 2) conducted by K-DISC
  6. Ramith R K got selected to KTU University kabaddi team 2023-24.
  7. Athira A V, member in the Kho-kho team, winners in KTU F-zone competition 2023-24.
  8. Arjun P, Dhekshith P, Hari Krishna T S and Sreeram S under the guidance of Anish Joseph Jacob and Baby Sindhu A V were selected for the funded project ‘ISign Language Translator App’ funded by Centre for Disability Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
  9. AkashBabu secured second in Power Quiz conducted by KSEB officers association on 20/10/22.
  10. Nandana A S and Neeraj Kumar P secured first in intercollegiatehackathon conducted by IEEE on 14/10/22
  11. Ramith R K got selected to KTU University volleyball team 2022-23.
  12. Athira A V, member in the Kho-kho team, winners in KTU F-zone and runners up in interzone competition 2022-23.
  13. Drishya P V member in Handball team, runners up in F zone 2022-23.
  14. EEE boys runners up in sports conducted on 16-17/02/2024.
  15. Rithika C Recipient of IEEE Malabar Subsection Outstanding WiE Volunteer Award 2023
  16. Rithika C Selected as Malabar Hub Student Representative of IEEE Link Student Leadership Team 2024.
  17. Rithika C selected as Campus Ambassador of KTU TECHFEST and KETCON 2024
  18. Rithika C member in the team awarded with Darrel Chong Student Activity Award (Bronze)

2020-2024 Batch

  1. The project team comprising NivedManoj, Alan Rose Paul, Radhun A R and Sidharth P M is selected as one among the top 20 teams of Ideas to Impact Challenge 2023 of IIT Madras and received a funding of Rs. 50,000/- for their project titled, ” Design and Development of Electric Cutter for Laterite Stone Quarries and Laterite Stone based Industries”.
  2. The project team comprising of Anand K, Aswin M, Dheeraj K and Sidharth R granted CeDS funding of Rs. 40,000/- for their project titled ‘A multifunctional Intelligent Wheelchair for Differently Abled Persons’.

2019-2023 Batch

  1. Abhishek Gopinath, ArunRemesh, Harshith C and Jeswin Thomas secured third prize in the National Energy Auditing Competition (NEAC-2022) organized by Energy Conservation Society.
  2. MuhammedHussair K P and Karthik K J- District level winners of Dr A PJ Abdul Kalam Memorial Energy Quiz 2022 organized by KSEBEA.
  3. Swaraj A- member of the APJAKTU Kabbadi team.
  4. Nithin T A, MuhammedHussair K.P, Aswin K T and Vignesh U received CERD funding for their project titled,” Design and Development of Motor Drive System for Electric Tiller”.

Abhishek Gopinath, ArunRemesh, Harshith C, Jeswin Thomas and Jayakumar M published an IEEE paper titled,” Energy Audit at LBS College of Engineering Kasaragod”  2023 Second International Conference on Computational Systems and Communication (ICCSC).



SI No Name of Faculty Achievements

Prof.Jayakumar M

Prepared detailed Energy Audit Reports under TESP (Total Energy Study Project- A Project Sponsored by Ministry of Power, Govt.of India.—Study on 116 Industries of Kerala),

Energy Conservation Society, State Award for outstanding contributions in the area of Energy & Environmental Conservation and promotion of people’s participation in Energy Conservation. (2003)

Former Director in Charge, Centre of Excellence for Disability studies, Thiruvananthapuram.

Former Deputy Director (Academic), LBS Centre for Science & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.

Co Investigator of the project titled,” Design and Development of Electric Cutter for Laterite Stone Quarries and Laterite Stone based Industries”, funded by IIT Madras.


Dr.Visalakshi V

Won the best paper award for the paper entitled ”Robust control of LV autopilot in Kharitonov’s framework” in a Regional seminar held at the College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram.

Reviewer of technical paper submitted for nCoretech-17, National conference coordinated by EEE Department, LBSCE Kasasragod.

Chair of nCoretech-17, National conference coordinated by EEE Department.

Contributed and presented a paper titled, “Multipurpose Agricultural Robot”at the International Conference on Intelligent Control and Computation for Smart Energy and Mechatronic Systems (ICCSEMS-2020), Sept. 25-26, 2020, Noida

Principal Investigator of the project titled, ” Multipurpose Agricultural Robot”, funded by KSCSTE

Successfully completed Ph.D. from IIT Madras.

Chair of ICORETech 2024 (EEE section), an International conference coordinated by LBSCE Kasaragod.



Resource Person of the ATAL FDP on Machine Learning Engineering for Productionorganised by Dept. of CSE, LBSCEK during Jan 8-13, 2024

Principal Investigator of the project titled,” Design and Development of Electric Cutter for Laterite Stone Quarries and Laterite Stone based Industries”, funded by IIT Madras (Ideas to Impact Challenge- Feb 2024).


Prof. Baby Sindhu A V

Member technical committee as reviewer for Electrical Insulation Conference 2024, to be conducted on Jun. 02 – 05, 2024, Minneapolis · United States

Member technical committee as reviewer for Electrical Insulation Conference, Jun. 18 – 21, 2023 at Quebec City · Canada

Co-investigator for the funded project ‘Sign Language Translator App’ funded by CeDS.

Principal Investigator for the funded project ‘A multifunctional Intelligent Wheelchair for Differently Abled Persons’ funded by CeDS.

Co-investigator for the funded project ‘Electric Tiller’ funded by CERD.

Reviewer for IEEE conference conducted by LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Trivandrum, on 03-04 March 2023


Dr. Sheeja V

Reviewer for 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (IEEE)

Principal Investigator for the funded project ‘Electric Tiller’ funded by CERD.


Dr. Aseem K

National level award winner of Institution Prize and Gold medal given by Institution of Engineers (India) 2023 for the best research publication during the year 2023

Approved Research Supervisor of APJAKTU from 25/09/2023

Successfully completed the Ph.D from Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham on 10-3-2023.

Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems (Scopus Indexed Journal, ISSN:2775-2658)

Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Control Systems Engineering

Winner of Prof. Aruna Shankar Bhatt Memorial Best Teacher Award of the year 2018 in recognition of outstanding contribution through the academic achievement and professional excellence.


Dr. Kannan M

Successfully completed Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli on 19-01-2024.

Member technical committee as reviewer for International Conference on Recent Advancements in Engineering and Technology, Feb 08-09, 2024, LBS

Co-ordinator of the One-day workshop on Energy standards and Labelling for students and faculties on 28th February 2024

Co-ordinated the TEQIP-II sponsored three days Faculty Development Programme on “Solar Photovoltaics and Applications to Smart Grid” at LBSITW, Thiruvananthapuram from 25th to 27th July 2016

Officiated as a Programme Committee Member in the first International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications held at Thiruvananthapuram organized by L B S Institute of Technology for Women, 2014

Coordinated the ISTE – Sponsored three days Short Term Course on “Emerging Trends in Power Electronics and Systems”, 2012


Prof.Sridhanya M I

Successfully Completed NPTEL Online Course in Power Electronics in 2020

Coordinator of the Expert Talk on “Off shore Wind Energy and Grid Integration Technology” for students in April 2021

Coordinator of STTP on “Solar Photovoltaics and applications to Smart Grid” at LBSITW in June 2017

Coordinator of Expert Talk on Space and Entrepreneurship on the eve of World Space Week 2023


Prof.Abhilash V Nair

Special Appreciation by the Govt. Of Kerala for Six year Continious Service in national Service Scheme LBSITW Poojappura setting up New Unit plenty of activities ever in the history of the Institute.

Successfully completed PEDAGOGY sponsored by TLC IITMadras / TEQIP-II LBSITW, at IIT Madras

BoG Member and Maintenance Committee head TEQIP-II, LBSITW Poojappura during (2019-23)

Special Appreciation by the Govt. Of Kerala for for the Best Program Officer NSS LBSITW.


Prof. Anish Joseph Jacob

Principal investigator for the funded project ‘Sign Language Translator App’ funded by CeDS.


Prof. Arun S Mathew

Electric Arc Flash Analysis and Preventive Arc Flash Detection (Applied for Patent through NIT Calicut and Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE)

Winner of ONGC Best Performer Scholarship (Rs. 60,000.00) during MTech-Industrial Power & Automation (2011-2013) at NIT Calicut.


The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association is an official student organization under the EEE Department. Our objectives include assisting members in developing a better understanding of their profession and future career as well as encouraging communication between the Association and other organizations. The students who are the strength of the department are prime organizers of every event. Every two years, the department hosts “Gnista” the national-level technical fest. “Gnista” has been successful in all its relevance. It unites the department and provides students with a platform to identify and prove their organizing capabilities. The association is giving best project award every year for the final year students. Special achievement awards are also distributed every year for meritorious students.

Office Bearers and Members (2023-24)

  1. Jayakumar M, HoD, EEE
  2. Kannan M, Assistant Professor, EEE, Association Staff-In charge
  3. Kirankumar K, Student Representative and Association Secretary, S4 EEE
  4. Anavadhya M, Student Representative and Association Treasurer, S8EEE
  5. Arjun P, Student Representative, S6EEE
  6. Abdul Kader Ajmal, Student Representative, S2EEE

Association Inauguration of the academic year 2023-24

The Electrical and Electronics Department Association was inaugurated on 28th  February 2024 by Sri. Santhosh A, Certified Energy Auditor and Managing Director, Athul Energy Consultants, Thrissur, Kerala. The function was presided over by Prof. Jayakumar M, HoD, Electrical and Electronics Department in the presence of Principal Prof.(Dr.) Mohammad Sekoor T., who delivered a keynote address and felicitated by Prof. (Dr.)  Praveen Kumar K, Dean (Academic), Prof.(Dr.) Vinodu George, Dean (Student Affairs) and Prof. (Dr.) Aboobacker Kadengal, Dean, (PG). To familiarize the students, a display of major equipments namely Power energy and harmonic analyzer, clam-on power meter, and Infrared thermal imager that are employed for Energy Audit was conducted.

List of Activities organized by Association.

Sl. No. Activity Name of activity Resource Person Date of Activity
1 Quiz Programme Energy Quiz KSEB Engineers Association 03.09.2024
2 Quiz Programme Power Quiz KSEB Officers Association 26.09.2024
3 program for plus two students Sigma power   20/06/2024
4 Expert Talk Embedded Systems Trends and Challenges – Hard and Soft Real Time Systems Prof. Rensi Sam Mathew, APECE, LBSCEK 08/10/2024   
5 Expert Talk LaTex- A Beginner’s Guide to Effective Documentation Dr. Pramod P, APECE, LBSCEK 06/11/2024
Sl. No. Activity Name of activity Resource Person Date of Activity
1 Expert Talk Public Domain and Mobile App Smt.Manju V, Energy Manager, LBSCEK and Shri. Ashok K M P, Certified Energy Auditor, Athul Energy Consultsnts, Thrissur 28.02.2024
2 Expert Talk Know your star label and make a right choice Shri. Santhosh A, Certified Energy Auditor, Athul Energy Consultsnts, Thrissur 28.02.2024
3 Expert Talk Enforcement of standards and labelling Shri. Ashok K M P, Certified Energy Auditor, Athul Energy Consultsnts, Thrissur 28.02.2024
4 Expert Talk Space and Entrepreneurship Shri. Abdul Shaheed M, Technical Officer, LPSC, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram 09.10.2023   
5 Inauguration Inauguration Of funded project Shri. C H Kunhambu, MLA 24/08/2023
6 Expert Talk Career Opportunities after Electrical Engineering Degree Shri. Riyas Vengasseri 29/09/2023
7 Online energy quiz Online energy quiz KSEB Engineers Association 31/10/2023
8 KSEB power quiz KSEB power quiz KSEB Officers Association 21/11/2023
9 Expert Talk Employability Skills Today Ms. Smitha Bhasker 27/12/2023
10 Expert Talk Control Systems in Locomotive, Marine and Stationary Applications Shri. Suseel Sukumaran 06/04/2024    
Sl. No. Activity Name of activity Resource Person Date of Activity
1 Tech fest Intercollegiate Technical Festival Gnista 2.23   26.04.2023 and 27-04-2023
2 Workshop “Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi Shri. Sreekanth Madhavan, Kabani Tech, Shoranur, Kerala. 28.11.2022
3 Expert Talk Understanding Latex The Roadway to Tech Writing Shri. Pramod P, LBSCEK 23/11/2022
4 Expert Talk The Art of Digital Editing Shri. Sujith Sahadev, Film Editor and Short Film Director 09/06/2022
5 Quiz Programme Online energy quiz KSEB Engineers Association 15/10/2022
6 Quiz Programme KSEB power quiz KSEB Officers Association 20/10/2022
7 Expert Talk How to execute final year B Tech project Abhinav Rajeev, JRF IIT Palakkad 24/04/2023
8 Expert Talk Electric Vehicles: Issues and Challenges Prof. Jayakumar M, Assoc. Professor EEE, LBSCEK 25/04/2023



A. Industrial Visits

The department arranges regular visits to industries, providing students and faculty with an opportunity to observe industry operations, understand the practical application of concepts, and interact with professionals. Recent visits are as follows:

On 18-10-2024 our S5EEE students as a part of their curriculum, visited Kakkayam Dam, located in the Kozhikode district of Kerala, as part of an industrial visit aimed at exploring the operation and engineering behind hydroelectric power generation and water resource management.  The visit provided students with practical exposure to hydroelectric power generation and water management techniques. It was both educational and inspiring, equipping students with valuable knowledge to apply in their academic and professional pursuits.

In October 2024 our S7EEE students visited the Maruti Suzuki manufacturing plant in Gurgaon to gain practical insights into the automobile manufacturing process.  This visit provided valuable exposure to the automotive industry, enhancing the students’ technical knowledge, understanding of manufacturing workflows, and appreciation for innovation in engineering. It served as a significant step toward preparing them for future professional endeavours.

B. Demonstration

During the course on measurements and instrumentation, meters such as clamp-on meters and lux meters are demonstrated through practical measurement exercises. Students are divided into groups and tasked with performing the measurements themselves, allowing them to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of how these instruments function.Students gain hands-on experience with the meters, which helps build their confidence in using the instrument in future for projects, energy audits, or consultancy work.

C. Workshops

Our department frequently organizes workshops focused on exploring and applying innovative teaching methods in the classroom. These workshops offer educators valuable opportunities to stay updated on the latest teaching trends and techniques while participating in hands-on activities to enhance their skills. Below are some of the workshops conducted:

The department organizes a workshop on “Arduino and Raspberry Pi” in collaboration with Kabani Tech, Shornur. This workshop is conducted as part of the syllabus for microprocessors and microcontrollers. The workshop provided hands-on demonstrations and practical insights,helping students explore the potential applications of these technologies in various projects.The session aimed to inspire students to enhance their practical skills and innovation inelectronics and programming.

We organize an annual workshop on LaTeX for final-year students. LaTeX, a software widely used for document preparation and publications, is introduced to assist students in preparing reports for their projects and seminars. Mastering LaTeX provides students with a versatile and highly valued tool in both academia and industry, equipping them with essential skills for future academic and professional endeavours.


Peer learning is an integral part of the learning process which allows students to solidify their knowledge by teaching and learning from one another. This approach encourages active engagement and fosters a deeper understanding of complex concepts. In the EEE department, peer learning is facilitated through collaborative activities such as group tutorials, assignments, and seminar presentations. Students work in teams to tackle academic challenges, discuss key topics, and solve problems together. This not only helps reinforce individual learning but also encourages the development of essential skills like teamwork and communication.


On 6th April 2024, the Department Association organized an expert talk on “ControlSystems in Locomotive, Marine, and Stationary Applications,” delivered by Shri. SuseelSukumaran. The session provided valuable insights into the role of control systems in variousindustries, including locomotives, marine vessels, and stationary equipment. Shri. Suseel Sukumaran shared his expertise on the practical applications of control systems, highlighting their importance in ensuring safety, efficiency, and performance in these sectors. This talk aimed to broaden students’ understanding of control systems and their critical impact onmodern engineering solutions.

On 28th February 2024, the Department Association organized a series of expert talks aimedat providing valuable insights into various aspects of energy management and sustainability.The first session, “Public Domain and Mobile App,” featured Smt. Manju V, Energy Managerand Shri. Ashok K M P, Certified Energy Auditor at Athul Energy Consultants, Thrissur. Thistalk focused on the role of public domain data and mobile applications in promoting energyefficiency and management.

The second session, “Know Your Star Label and Make the Right Choice,” was led by Shri.Santhosh A, Certified Energy Auditor at Athul Energy Consultants, Thrissur. It educatedparticipants on the importance of star labelling systems in making informed choices aboutenergy-efficient products.

The final session of the series, “Enforcement of Standards and Labelling,” was presented by Shri. Ashok K M P, Certified Energy Auditor at Athul Energy Consultants, Thrissur. This talkhighlighted the significance of enforcing energy standards and labelling in promoting sustainability and energy conservation. These expert talks aimed to equip students with essential knowledge about energy efficiency, sustainable practices, and the importance of making informed decisions in energy consumption. To familiarize the students, a display of major equipments namely Power energy and harmonic analyzer, clam-on power meter, and Infrared thermal imager that are employed for Energy Audit was conducted.


As part of the topic on renewable energy systems, students are given recent papers and reports related to specific syllabus topics. They are grouped and assigned the task of preparing and delivering presentations based on the provided materials.After being divided into groups, students are assigned specific topics from the Measurements and Instrumentation syllabus. They are instructed to prepare a presentation that covers the syllabus content while also incorporating recent advancements in the field.


Our faculty members have their own YouTube channel to support the teaching-learning process by uploading videos related to the syllabus of various subjects. They also make extensive use of Google Classroom, which has proven effective in distributing course materials and assignments efficiently. This platform provides students with easy access to course content from any device, allowing for flexible and personalized learning experiences. Google Classroom also promotes real-time collaboration and communication, fostering an interactive environment that encourages engagement and participation. Additionally, it streamlines grading and feedback, simplifying assessment processes and enabling instructors to provide timely feedback while effectively tracking student progress.


Faculty YouTube Channel link Subjects
Prof.Jayakumar M Energy Management
Dr.Visalakshi V Google Classrooms Advanced Control Theory, S6 B. Tech EEE, 2019-20 Even Sem, 2015 scheme Circuits &Measurements Lab, S3 B. Tech EEE, 2020-21 Odd Sem, 2019 scheme Circuits & Networks, S3 B. Tech EEE, 2020-21 Odd Sem, 2019 scheme System Theory, S1 M . Tech EEE, 2020-21 Odd Sem Power Converters II, S1 M. Tech EEE, 2020-21 Even Sem Advanced Control Theory, S6 B. Tech EEE, 2020-21 Even Sem, 2015 scheme Electrical Machines Lab I, S4 B. Tech EEE, 2020-21 Even Sem, 2019 scheme Illumination Technology, S7 B. Tech EEE, 2023-24 Odd Sem, 2019 scheme
Dr.Rajashree Raghavan Google Classrooms EET 426 Special Electric Machines, 2022-23 EEE (Even sem) HUT 200 Professional Ethics, 2021-22 CE (Even sem) EET 303 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 2022-23 EEE (Odd sem)
Prof. Baby Sindhu A V Google Classrooms Renewable energy systems, Even sem 2023-24 Measurements and instrumentation, Odd sem 2023-24 Industrial Safety Engineering, Odd sem 2023-24 Measurements and instrumentation, Odd sem 2022-23 Industrial Safety Engineering, Odd sem 2022-23
Dr. Aseem K YouTube Channel link
Google Classrooms MCN 202 Constitution of India HUT 310 Management for Engineers EEL 411 Control Systems Lab EET322 Renewable Energy Systems
Dr. Kannan M Google Classrooms Power Systems (2022-23) Electromagnetic Theory (2023-24) Basics of Electrical Engineering (2023-24)
Prof.Sridhanya M I Google Classrooms
Prof.Abhilash V Nair Flipped Classrooms Highly impactful Instructional strategy of Flipped Classroom introduced in various subjects while teaching complicated mathematical proofs and Derivations. EET 402, Electrical System Design and Estimation
Enhancement of the effectiveness of Flipped Class room by introducing Peer learning in to it. EET 402, Electrical System Design and Estimation
Prof. Anish Joseph Jacob Youtube Channel link Subjects Videos spanning subjects like C Programming, Digital Electronics , DSP, Introduction to Power Engineering
Prof. Arun S Mathew 79 Videos spanning subjects Measurements & Instrumentation, Signals & Systems, Energy Management & Electrical Machine Design










Journal/Conference Name



Dr.Visalakshi V

Convex-Designs of Controllers for Resonant Systems

IEEE Access, vol.11, 2023, pp.130942-130954. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3333682



Prof.Baby Sindhu A V

Degradation due to Tracking and Erosion of Micro/Nano Silicone Rubber Composites based Weathershed Material Developed for Outdoor Insulation and its Correlation to the Measured Leakage Current.

CIGRE India Journal, 2023, Volume-12, Issue2(July); Print ISSN : 2250-0061



Dr.Sheeja V

Control of Converter for a Solar PV-BESS Powered Telecom Load With Real, Reactive and Harmonic Power Exchange With Grid

IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 141008-141021, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3340433.



Dr.Sheeja V

A Non-isolated Bidirectional High Gain Integrated Multiport Converter for Grid Tied Solar PV Fed Telecom Load,

IET Power Electronics, vol. 16, no. 5,  April 2023, pp. 828 – 842, DOI: 10.1049/pel2.12426



Dr.Kannan M

State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Long Short-Term Memory and Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks

Journal of Institution of Engineers Series B, 2023



Dr.Kannan M

A_Combined_DNN-NBEATS_Architecture_for_State_of_Charge_Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles”,

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023



Dr.Aseem K

Hybrid k-means grasshopper optimization algorithm based FOPID controller with feed forward DC–DC converter for solar-wind generating system.

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 13(5), 2439-2462.



Dr.Aseem K

An Efficient Control Scheme Based on PLL Integrated PI Controller for Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Trends in Sciences 19 (16), 5699-5699



Dr.Aseem K

A PWM-based sliding mode control scheme for isolated solar photovoltaic systems,

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, 103(2), 313-328.



Dr.Aseem K

High temperature superconducting material based energy storage for solar-wind hybrid generating systems for fluctuating power management,

Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 42, Part 2, 2021, Pages 1122-1129,ISSN 2214-7853,



Dr.Aseem K

Closed loop control of DC-DC converters using PID and FOPID controllers

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), Vol. 11,No. 3, September 2020, pp. 1323~1332,



Dr.Aseem K

Sliding mode controller for DC to DC converters and performance comparison with conventional PID and FOPID controllers

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Volume 13, Issue- 4, September 2020,162 – 172,



Dr.Aseem K

Performance Analysis of DSTATCOM for Three Phase Three Wire Distribution System,

International Energy Journal, Volume 18, Special Issue-2A,August-2020,271–278



Dr.Aseem K

An isolated photovoltaic power generation system with a novel fractional order PID controller based control strategy

Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2020,1706(1)



Dr.Aseem K

Energy management controller for grid connected Solar PV system with SMES-battery hybrid energy storage,

Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 04- Special Issue, March 2020,



Dr.Aseem K

A novel controller for isolated solar photovoltaic system with super conducting magnetic energy storage and fault ride through capability,

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019,



Prof.Sridhanya M I

”An Overview of E-Mobility, Battery Technologies and future Challenges”

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing-July 2019,Vol 9, Issue7



Prof.Sridhanya M I

Phase Modulated DC-DC Converters for EV”

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing-June 2019,Vol 9, Issue6



Dr.Rajashree Raghavan

“Practically Implementable Model Predictive Controller for a Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-Output System”,

J Control Autom Electr Syst 28. 358-370 (2017).



Prof.Arun S Mathew

Comparison of Position Control of Ball and Beam System using Phase lead and PID Controller,

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2017, doi>10.15662/IJAREEIE.2017.0603163



Prof.Arun S Mathew

Speed Control of PMSM using Backstepping Method,




Dr.Aseem k

A Minimally Switched Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic Compensation,

International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Control (IJIEC) ISSN 0974-2220 Volume 4, Number 1 (2012), pp. 1-14



Dr.Aseem K

Shunt Active Power Filter with a Novel Hysteresis Current Controller,

Journal of Institution of Engineers, ISSN: 0020-3386, Vol 91, March 2011.pp.25-30



Volume 3 Issue 1 November 2024


Volume 2 Issue 2 April 2024




Prof. Jayakumar M (Ex- officio)
Prof. Rajashree Raghavan (Staff coordinator)
Prof. Baby Sindhu A V (Staff coordinator)
Ms. Manju V (Staff coordinator)
Ms. Deepa S (Convenor)
Mr. Raghul C (Co Convenor)
Mr. Praveen Sreekumaran Nair (Treasurer)
Mr. Nithyanandan K
Mr. Sajith Kumar M
Ms. Maya K N
Mr. Abhilash Kunjukrishnan
Mr. Juvel Jose
Mr. Muhammed Junaid K K


Mrs.Deepa S
Mr.Raghul (2001-2005) Mr.Praveen Sreekumaran Nair
Mr.Abhilash Kunjukrishnan (1996-2000)
Mr.Juvel Jose
Mr.Sajithkumar M (2002-2006) Mr.Muhammed Junaid K K (1998-2002) Mr.Nityanandan K (1999 – 2003)
Dr.Maya K (2005-09)

Kindly take time to enter your details into the Alumni Database using this form

Join Our Alumni Whatsapp Group:


The Grand Alumni Meet of the EEE department “Thirike 2024- Connecting Past to the Present”  held on 2nd and 3rd February 2024, connected alumni from 1997-2023 batches, ex-faculty, faculty, staff, and current students. The two-day event kickstarted on 2/2/24 with an official inauguration in the college amphitheatre followed by a series of events, viz., honouring ex-faculty, distributing awards to eminent alumni and current students with notable achievements, interaction with students, cultural programmes and a campus tour. In the evening, Alumni members, faculty and staff reassembled at Hotel City Tower, Kasaragod for a nostalgic evening. The event ended positively on 3/2/24, aiming to reconvene in Kochi in July 2025.


eceived EHT supervisory license issued by Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board

Sivapriya (1997-2001 Batch)-  Successfully set up a global Institution that facilitates Indian culture learning for NRI kids imparted by the best creamy layer teachers of India, handpicked and well-trained.

Praveen Sreekumar Nair (1998-2002 Batch) received  People Leadership Award 2023 for ‘Delivering 360° value by embracing change for Accenture 2025 vision’ from the Senior Managing Director, Accenture

Sijin V S (2000-2004 Batch) r

Mariyam Shadra N A
Design & Estimation Engineer
( Presales
Euro Technoo

Rejess Cherian (2001-2005 batch) becomes the entrepreneur with  NEBOSCH certification.

Swetha Bharath Shetty (2003-2007 Batch) has been successfully completed 8 weeks certification from the London School of Business and Political Science.


Leena K K
Sub Divisional Engineer, BSNL
Sinsath Shameer
Program Manager, Microsoft
Joseph P John
Part of team developing heavyhaul Battery Electric Locomotive
Geevarghese Baby
Senior Electrical Engineer,
Arab Engineering Bureau, Doha, Qatar
Sr. Electrical Engineer,
Khatib & Alami
Juvel Jose
Started new factory as part of backward integration
Bijuna K V
Sharjah Electricity
Boby Varghese
Indian Navy
Gayathri Ashokan
Engg Lead,
Avionics systems Dept,
Textron India Ltd
Hari Krishna Pai
Superintendent of Police
West Bengal
Sujith Sahadev
Film Editor & Short Film Director
Sumesh Pushpangadhan
(1999-2003)CEO and Founder of MittLogik Group, Sweden
Senior Technology Architect, Infosys Ltd
Ramil P P
Flight Controls Law and Function Engineer,
Heart Aerospace AB
Zainal abdeen
Technology Analyst, Infosys ltd
Mariyam Shadra N A
Design & Estimation Engineer
( Presales
Euro Technoo
Krishnakumar R (2000-2004)
Deputy General Manager, HLL Lifecare Ltd
Praveen Sreekumaran Nair
Praviraj P G
Principal Engineer, American Electric Power (AEP)
Ajumon Kurian
Senior Maintenace Engineer
Technical Services, Dubai, UAE
Deepa S (1993-2007)
Associate Professor
SCMS School of Engineering & Technology
Senior Manager (Procurement)
Hill Lifecare Ltd.
Abhilash Kunjukrishnan
Project Manager
Allianz Technology India
Sajithkumar M
Assistant Engineer
Relay Subdivision Kasaragod, KSEBL
Junaid K K
R&D Engineering Group Lead  & Project Manager
Nityanandan K
Head of HR (Procurement)
Safran Data Systems India Pvt. Ltd
Maya K
Senior Project Engineer
FACTS  System Design
Hitachi Energy



Alumni Meet-2024 Thirike Organised by 1997-2023 Batch on 2024 Feb. 2nd& 3rd

Handing over of LED interactive panel donated by Alumni 1993-97 batch on 06-04-2024 at FLUX Hall (EEE Seminar Hall)

Distinguished LBS EEE Alumni Lecture Series by Mr. Susheel Sukumaran, 1993-1997 Batch on Control systems in Locomotive, Marine & Stationary Applications on 06-04-2024

  • One day workshop organized jointly by the Dept. of EEE, Athul Energy Systems, Energy Management Center, and BEE on standards and labelling for Engineers, PG and UG students, and Research scholars on 28-2-2024
  • One day workshop organized jointly by the Dept. of EEE, Athul Energy Systems, Energy Management Center, and BEE on standards and labelling for Engineers, PG and UG students, and Research scholars on 28-2-2024
  • EEE students participated in Kerala Science Congress conducted during 8-2-2024 to 11-2-2024 at Govt. College, Kasaragod.
  • Distinguished LBS Alumni lecture series by Shri.Smitha Bhasker, 1998-2002 Batch on Employability Skills Today on 27-12-2023.
  • 2020-24 batch industrial visit to KEL, Kasaragod on 28-11-2023
  • 2021-25 batch industrial visit to Kakkayam Dam on 27-10-2023
  • Conducted a bridge course on Measurements and Instrumentation by Prof. Anish Jose Jacob on 21-11-2023 for 2022-26 batch.
  • Conducted KSEB power quiz program for EEE students on 21-11-23
  • EEE department participated in the program Keraleeyam organized by Govt. of Kerala during November 1 to 7 at Thiruvanthapuaram.
  • EEE department and KSEB Engineers association jointly organized the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz on 31-10-2023.
  • EEE department conducted the fresher’s day for new comers on 26-10-2023.
  • EEE department conducted a lecture on “Remembering Pierre Simon Laplace” on 9-10-2023 for 2022-26 batch. Prof. Arun S Mathew delivered the class
  • Distinguished LBS Alumni lecture series by Riyas Vengasseri, 2003-2007 batch on career opportunities after electrical engineering on 29-09-2023
  • Inauguration of Operation of Electric Tiller on 24-08-2023 by Sri. C H Kunhambu, MLA..
  • EEE department Onam celebration on 22-8-2023
  • Farwell to 2019-2023 Batch
  • Conducted an electrical wiring and soldering workshop for plus two students in cooperation with IEEE student chapter on 9-6-2023
  • Intercollegiate Technical Festival Gnista 2.23 organized during 26-4-2023 to 27-4-2023
  • Talk on How to execute final year B Tech project by Abhinav Rajeev, JRF IIT Palakkad– a pre-event of GNISTA 2.23 on 24-4-2023.
  • Badminton Tournament – a pre-event of GNISTA 2.23 on 16-4-2023.
  • Face painting competition – a pre-event of GNISTA 2.23 on 13-4-2023
  • One day workshop on Energy Conservation and Auditing on 17-3-2023
  • ELECTRIMAS 2.0, Christmas celebration on 23-12-2023.
  • One day Workshop on “Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry Pi”, by Kabani Tech, Shornur, Kerala on 28-11-2022
  • Fresher’s day, welcoming 2022-26 batch followed by cultural events on 24-11-2022
  • EEE department students association inauguration on 9-6-2022




Power Path 2022-23 Power Path 2023-24